ime-medical photography-workshop-kalubowila

Photography in a Clinical Context - Medical Photography Workshop

‘Photography in a Clinical Context’, a full day Medical Photography workshop conducted by the Institute of Multimedia Education (IME) was held at the Gunawardena Auditorium of the Colombo South Teaching Hospital Kalubowila on the 22 June 2017.

This first ever Medical Photography workshop conducted for Medical Professionals in Sri Lanka was jointly organised by the Clinical Society of Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila and the Association of Plastic Surgeons in Sri Lanka on an initiative taken by the organiser of the event, Dr Yasas Abeywickrama, the Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Colombo South Teaching Hospital Kalubowila.

Dr Dinil Abeygunawardane of the IME Faculty conducted the workshop. He was assisted by Mr Deshan Karunarathne & Mr Chiranmayu Medis of the Institute of Multimedia Education and Mr Chinthaka Pitigalaarachchi.

The workshop was conducted in four sessions with each session concentrating on a set of skills to provide the participating doctors a definitive set of skills, either to capture or to supervise standardised series of clinical images for their clinical reports or research work.

Nearly eighty doctors pre-registered themselves for the event. However, more than hundred participants turned up on the day of the event.

Dr Abeywickrama, the main organiser of the event, stated that they had received a large number of requests from participants to reorganise the event for the staff members and colleagues who could not participate in the workshop. Based on these requests and the positive feedback the organisers have decided to make this an annual event.

ime-medical photography-workshop