Introduction to Advanced Photographic Lighting

- Understand the basic concepts of lighting
- Learn to see the light in nature
- Learn how to choose light sources to suit your subjects
- Learn how to modify your own light or flash to suit the subjects you shoot
- Understand how to place lights to suit different subjects and shapes
Course Duration
- 3 Classes
- 4 hours x 3 (12 hours of teaching & training )
Course Description
- All classes are interactive multimedia experiences
- Hands on training on all the scenarios taught in the class
- 02 students per station
- Lights, shooting table & the subjects will be provided by IME for all the lighting classes
- Certificate of participation will be awarded to participants with 100% attendance
Intended Audience
- For those who want to understand the ‘why’ of photographic lighting and begin to explore photographic lighting
Medium of Instruction
- English
Course Schedule
- Sunday 12 March 2017- 1400 - 1800 - Royal College Union Skills Centre
Required Equipment
- A DSLR or a Modern Mirrorless Camera
- A laptop with Adobe Lightroom installed
- Lights will be provided by IME
Teaching Panel
Why learn lighting
- Reasons behind learning lighting
- Concepts behind a good image and how ‘lighting’ helps
- Difference between light & ‘lighting’
Light Sources
- Basic theory behind light sources
- Creating different light source with a single light
- Classification of light sources, their importance and practical usage
Placing Lights
- How to place lights to suit different subjects
- The science and art of placing light sources to suit different subjects
- Sculpting with light
Measuring Light
- Controlling the light amount
- Measuring light
- Concepts behind lighting ratios
Light and the Subject Types
- Factors determining subject appearance
- Managing reflections
- Controlling highlights & shadows
Lighting up a Human Being
- Concepts behind a portrait
- Lighting up a human face
- How to do a head shot
Getting the best out of this course
- As in all other courses by IME, we expect students to spend 2 hours on homework for each hour spent in the class
- Participation in all classes is expected to get the best out of the course and 100% attendance is required for the certificate of participation
- We expect participants to have equipment as described in the course overview section
Enrolment Process
- A limited number of students will be enrolled per class
- Positions are given on first come first serve basis
- Students need to choose a payment option and must make a payment to secure a placement
Course Fee: Rs 19,800.00 (Rupees Nineteen Thousand and Eight Hundred)
Making Payments
- Payments can be made in person, to our bank account or via credit card (this option is currently being developed)
- A reference number is required to deposit money to our bank account and should be stated on the deposit slip
- Reference numbers can be obtained by contacting our Registrar or filling out the following form
Contact Numbers
- 011 309 4300
- 077 415 1065
- Email: