- Learn from one of the true Masters of the Conventional Darkroom Mr G Hettiarachchi
- Relive the glory of grand old days
- Shoot your own black and white film and use it as an opportunity to nail the exposure in camera
- See how it is done in the darkroom and experience it yourself
- See how the darkroom print is made and experience the origin on many modern day digital techniques
Course Duration
- 3 Classes
- 4 hours x 3 (12 hours of teaching and training)
Course Description
- All classes are interactive multimedia experiences
- There will be direct teaching and demonstrations on darkroom work
- Opportunity will be given to handle and shoot with a film camera
- Certificate of participation will be awarded to participants with 100% attendance
Intended Audience
- Anyone who wants to experience how it was done in the past
- Photographers who want to learn & experience conventional chemical photography
Course Schedule
- To be announced
- Friday 1600-2000
Required Equipment
- None
- IME will provide the film cameras needed for the course and demonstration work
Shooting with a Film Camera
- Learn how it was done
- Importance on nailing exposure.
The Film
- Different types of film
- Choosing the film
- Film vs Sensor
Developing the Film
- How it is done in the darkroom
- The process of development
- Special considerations
Printing in the Darkroom
- Choosing papers
- The process of printing
- Dodging and Burning
- Sharpening Process
- Looking after prints
Educational Requirements
- Competency in photography is expected but not a must
Getting the best out of this course
- As in all other courses by IME, we expect students to spend 2 hours on homework for each hour spent in the class
- Participation in all classes is expected to get the best out of the course and 100% attendance is required for the certificate of participation
Enrolment Process
- A limited number of students will be enrolled per class
- Positions are given on first come first serve basis
- Students need to choose a payment option and must make the payment to secure a placement
Course Fee: Rs 16,000.00 (Rupees Sixteen Thousand)
- Eligible for 5% discount if paid two weeks prior to the commencement of the course
- Discounted Fee Rs.15,200.00
- Payment date to be eligible for discount is two weeks prior to commencement of course
Making Payments
- Payments can be made in person, to our bank account or via credit card (this option is currently being developed)
- A reference number is required to deposit money to our bank account and should be stated on the deposit slip
- Reference numbers can be obtained by contacting our Registrar or filling out the following form
Contact Numbers
- 011 309 4300
- 077 415 1065
- 071 274 5005
- 077 762 5140