Henry Rajakaruna

Henry Rajakaruna

Mr Henry Rajakaruna, with many national and international accolades as well as the state title of “Kalabooshana” bestowed upon his name, is the most decorated Fine Art Photographer in the country.

In his illustrious career spanning over five decades Mr Rajakaruna had mastered many genres of photography and been a Commercial, Event and a Wedding Photographer in addition to being the Master Fine Art Photographer he is. Like all the other experts of his generation he had done his own darkroom work and has been a printer and a lab owner as well.

Over the years he has experimented with the idea of motion capturing and breaking the ‘realistic’ form of photographic still image to freeze blocks of time. His unmistakably distinctive and acclaimed style of motion capturing  is a result of all those years of hard work.

Mr Rajakaruna is probably the most sought after competition judge in the country and has judged numerous national and international competitions. He is also a visiting lecturer to many institutions and universities.

More about Mr Rajakaruna and his work can be found on his official website

Contributes to following courses

  • All General Photography courses
  • Advanced Photographic Lighting course
  • Fine Art Photography course
  • Journey to the past – Chemical Photography course
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