Advanced Certificate in Photography

- Give your photography a solid and a scientific base
- Take the path of light and begin your journey towards true mastery
- If you are a beginner we will lay the most solid foundation
- If you are experienced we will make you unlearn the bad habits and fix your foundation.
- We have the best and the most competent faculty of trainers in Sri Lanka to deliver our promise
Course Duration
- 24 Classes (60+ hours of teaching & supervised classroom teaching & training)
- On field teaching sessions
- For expected assignment and homework hours please visit this page
Course Description
- Hands on training on all aspects of photography
- Modern scientific teaching to scientifically build up knowledge
- Extended sessions on lighting and portrait photography
- Outdoor Sessions
- A field day trip with IME faculty members (Not included in the course fee)
- All indoor classes are interactive multimedia experiences
- A portfolio of ten images is expected at the end of the course
- Certificate of participation will be awarded to participants with more than 85% attendance
- Advanced certificate in Photography will be awarded to those who pass the presentation and viva based on the portfolio of images (85% attendance if mandatory to obtain a certificate)
Intended Audience
- Anyone who wants to start photography with a solid foundation
- Experienced photographers who want to formalise and regularise their knowledge to improve their craft
Medium of Instruction
- English
Course Schedule
- Next Intake is not scheduled yet - visit the Sinhala language course page for 2022 Sinhala language intake details
- Outdoor sessions will be held on Saturdays and Sundays
Required Equipment
- A camera with manual controls for aperture, shutter speed and ISO(A DSLR or a Modern Mirrorless Camera is recommended)
- A laptop with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop installed
- An electronic flash unit or a strobe light with a triggering mechanism or a continuous light source, to get the maximum out of lighting classes recommended
Communicating through images
- What makes a good image
- Understanding the components of a good image
The sensor and the film
- Understating how the sensor works and how to use it
- Components of the camera and how to use them
- Using the camera correctly and effectively
- Looking after the camera
- Types of lenses
- Depth of Field Determinants
- Using lenses
- Choosing lenses based on requirements
- Special lenses
- Lens maintenance
- The concept of exposure
- Finding out the right exposure
- Controlling the exposure
- Measuring light and understanding camera’s light meter
- Creative exposure control
- What makes a photo appealing
- The science behind the “rules” of composition
- Conventions
- Composition exercises
Processing / Computers & Photography
- Concepts of editing
- Global editing in Lightroom
- Digital Asset Managements (Keeping your files safe and searchable)
- Pixel based editing in Photoshop
Introduction to Photographic Lighting
- Lighting concepts
- Lighting strategies
- Lighting different subjects
- Taking full control of your flash
- Mastering the natural light and adding modifications
- Portrait Lighting
Introduction to Colour Management
- Understand the genesis of Colour
- Importance of Colour Management
- Calibrating your monitor and the importance of it
- Strategies to get consistent colour in your prints
- Working with colour labs
Reading and Making Images
- Basic concepts of visual communication
- Improving image literacy
- Optimising images for different platforms and needs
- Displaying prints
- Optimising display environments for maximum impact
Outdoor Practical Sessions
- How to do it in real life
- Demonstrations by the best photographers in the field
Educational Requirements
- None
- Those who enrol for the English medium course need to have an adequate working knowledge of the language to follow the course
Getting the best out of this course
- As in all other courses by IME, we expect students to spend 2 to 2.5 hours on homework for each hour spent in the class
- Participation in all classes is expected to get the best out of the course and more than 85% attendance is required for the certificate of participation
- We expect participants to have equipment as described in the course overview section
Enrolment Process
- A limited number of students will be enrolled per class
- Positions are given on first come first serve basis
- Students need to choose a payment option and must make a payment to secure a placement
Course Fee: Rs 48,000.00
Registration Fee: Rs. 1,500.00
Total Investment: Rs. 49,500.00
Payment Option 01 (Discount option)
- Eligible for 5% discount on the course fee, if paid two weeks prior to the commencement of the course
- Discounted Fee Rs 47,100.00 if paid in full
- Payment date to be eligible for discount - two weeks prior to commencing the course
Payment Option 02 (Easy Payment option)
- First Payment Rs 25,500.00
- Second Payment Rs 24,000
- Second payment to be paid prior to beginning of the week 09
- Late payment fees will apply unless paid in time
Making Payments
- Payments can be made in person, to our bank account
- A reference number is required to deposit money to our bank account and should be stated on the deposit slip
- Reference numbers can be obtained by contacting our Registrar or filling out the following form
Contact Details
- 077 415 1065
- Email: